Home Warranty VS Home Insurance Coverages | What Covers What?

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Published on August 25, 2022

Home Warranty and Home Insurance coverages are completely different! So what are the main differences between a home warranty vs a home insurance? And what to they cover? Do you need to buy them both? WATCH as Altovise Halloway ® REALTOR explains the main difference between the two and what they cover!

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B L O G ➳ Welcome To My Real Estate Blog! | GCH Luxury Group with Real Broker LLC
F A C E B O O K ➳ Georgia Coast Homes
I N S T A G R A M ➳ https://www.instagram.com/gchluxurygroup/
O R C A L L ➳ 912-231-7380

The GCH Team with Real Broker LLC is a team of REALTORS® serving areas throughout Georgia and South Carolina. Our specialty is home buyers who are relocating to our beautiful cities, and sellers looking to sell their home using the power of video.

We are so grateful for all you subscribers, both clients and REALTORS®, so thanks for watching!

If you want to talk to us about GA or SC real estate feel free to email us at info@georgiacoasthomes.com.

And if you’re an agent wanting to find out more about working with me on your video marketing strategy or becoming part of my team at Real, visit https://www.youtubeforagents.com/real/

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Real Broker LLC
800 Battery Ave SE, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30339
Brokerage License number 66836


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